At Aspen Ridge Dental, we treat dental emergencies such as a knocked-out tooth. Patients who have suffered an injury that either knocks out a tooth or severely damages the tooth have a couple of options for tooth replacement. In today’s post, we will discuss a tooth replacement option commonplace in Casper: […]
Is Your Smile In A World Of Hurt?
Do you have severe tooth damage, bone loss, or few or no teeth still intact? This post is for Casper area residents whose mouths are in a world of hurt. At Aspen Ridge Dental, we feel for you. We understand how severe dental dilemmas impact you every day of your life. Whatever the cause of […]
Don’t Bite The Dentist!
Bite down hard, but not on Doctor Youmans’s hand! Do you find that biting down hard is painful or awkward? There are ways to find the source of the issue and there are ways to make it right. Bite pain can be due to a damaged tooth, missing teeth, or loose teeth. Any of those […]
Do Veneers Make Teeth Look Bigger?
A well-designed veneer does not make your tooth look larger – unless you want it to. A veneer can correct many cosmetic dental problems and is a minimally invasive restoration. During the placement of some porcelain veneers, an extremely thin layer of enamel is removed from the tooth. If you have teeth with damage, discoloration, […]
Total Tooth Restoration
Your face is always on display for others to see. You can’t hide it behind long sleeves, baggy jeans, or a hat. A cosmetic dentistry smile makeover from Aspen Ridge Dental in Casper can brighten your whole face. A beautiful smile is essential to a polished appearance. Teeth whitening is quicker and more popular than ever. Some […]
Do You Love Your Smile? Cosmetic Dentistry in Casper WY
People who are most happy with their smiles have healthy, straight teeth that sparkle when they laugh. If nature didn’t bless you with great teeth, you are not alone. Most perfect smiles you see are the result of cosmetic dentistry performed by an experienced Casper WY dentist. At Aspen Ridge Dental, we provide the state-of-the-art […]