Dentists in Casper are dedicated to your oral health and care about the condition of your teeth. At Aspen Ridge Dental we recognize that your teeth help you both eat and speak. You use your teeth to tear, scrape, and chew food, as well as to form words with your tongue. Healthy teeth and gums […]
Still Have Your Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth usually come in between ages 16 and 24. Wisdom teeth are not always troublesome, but it is important to learn as early as possible whether your wisdom teeth are coming in sideways or otherwise impacting your other teeth. Checking your wisdom teeth is a simple and painless process, and can save you trouble […]
What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?
When a wisdom tooth tries to come in but is obstructed by the adjacent tooth, it becomes impacted and can result in such complications as pain, inflammation, or tooth decay. At Aspen Ridge Dental in Casper WY, we can extract wisdom teeth. It’s challenging to clean partially-erupted wisdom teeth. Since they have a high risk […]
The Aspen Ridge Dental Guide To Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Most people get wisdom teeth in their late teens or early twenties. At Aspen Ridge Dental in Casper WY, we generally recommend removal. Wisdom teeth can damage adjacent teeth and nerves. Awkward positions are common, and can increase risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Wisdom teeth are also difficult to clean, especially if they […]