If you have money in your Casper flexible spending account you may want to schedule some cosmetic dentistry before the deadline. Remember, you lose any funds left over after the plan year ends. Why not improve your smile with Aspen Ridge Dental using tax-free dollars? Even a small change can make a big difference in […]
Why Sports Drinks Put Teeth At Risk
With warm months upon us, it can be a good idea to go outside and get some exercise. At Aspen Ridge Dental, we know that many health-conscious individuals exercise regularly, and some use sports drinks for hydration. While it’s true that they help preserve electrolyte levels in the body (and pose fewer health risks than […]
Your Dentist Provides Comprehensive Oral Care
How does your dentist help you stay healthy? Most people know that they can go to their dentist if they chipped a tooth or have a toothache. Because of this, they may not realize how many other health dilemmas your dentist can help you with. Aspen Ridge Dental’s full-service dental practice provides comprehensive oral health […]
Help Me, I’m Afraid Of The Dentist!
If you are afraid of your dentist, you are not alone. At Aspen Ridge Dental, we encounter many nervous dental patients. How do we calm their fears, provide a comfortable dental environment, and earn lifelong patients? 1) We carefully explain the findings of the initial dental examination and thoroughly outline any recommended treatment. The consultation […]
Is Your Smile In A World Of Hurt?
Do you have severe tooth damage, bone loss, or few or no teeth still intact? This post is for Casper area residents whose mouths are in a world of hurt. At Aspen Ridge Dental, we feel for you. We understand how severe dental dilemmas impact you every day of your life. Whatever the cause of […]
Trust Doctor Youmans For Accurate Dental Information
Dental patients are more informed than ever before and it’s not surprising that much of their knowledge about oral health and dental treatment is gleaned from online sources. Proactive self-education can be beneficial for you and your family, especially if it helps with living a healthy lifestyle. At Aspen Ridge Dental, we caution our Casper […]